Genealogy Club

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Program Description

Event Details

This group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 pm. Learn about using different online databases, breaking through “brick walls,” obtaining vital records, and documenting and organizing your family research. Come share your family research success stories and continue to increase the “branches” on your family tree! 

Monthly Topic: Illinois State Digital Archives and other State Digital Archives

The Illinois Digital Archives (IDA) was created in 2000, as a repository for the digital collections of the Illinois State Library as well as other libraries and cultural institutions in the State of Illinois. Please join us as we explore all the possible genealogical and historical photographs and documents that are available on this free website. 

This program will be presented both in person and through Zoom. Please indicate in the "Special Notes" section whether you plan to attend in person or through Zoom. 

Registration required. 

View Genealogy resources on the library's website: